Spain Photo Hides

Spain Photo Hides is a registered trademark by Anades Nature and Sustainable Development S.L. and defines the scope of work of this company in the field of nature photography, with an attractive offer for professional or amateur photographers who want to use our services. Our motto is quality at a fair price, comfort, and of course, results. And for this we have created a network of HIDES, which are nothing but modern and comfortable nature observatories integrated in the field. These hides offer the possibility of photographing the most emblematic bird species of the Iberian fauna. The project Spain Photo Hides is led by professional nature photographers with more than 30 years of experience. We aim to make your stay with us an unforgettable experience.

We are working on a new website with expanded information. Soon online

Eagle Owl´s hide

This hide is located near the village of El Barraco, in the valley of the Alberche river, made of wood and has dimensions of 2.10 x 2.40 x 2.50 meters, which makes it very comfortable to stay for 2 people all day. The hide operates all year round, although the best moments coincide with the somer, when adults and chicks of the year going together to take the food. The session is make with flash the we provide for customers.

Dimensions: 2.10 m wide x 2.40 m long x 2.50 m high.
Construction: Wood covered with broom. Without spy glass.
Access: You can go by car to 50m of the door of the hide.
Mobile telephone access: Yes.
Seats: 2.
Stay: Normally two hour from sunset.
Distance to the feeder: 35 meters.
Species to be photographed: Eagle owl and red fox.

Price: Consult.


Golden Eagle´s hide

This hide is located near the village of El Barraco, in the mountains of La Paramera and 1.700 m altitude, this hide is made of wood and has dimensions of 2.10 x 2.40 x 2.50 meters, which makes it very comfortable to stay for 3 people all day. The hide operates all year round, although the best moments coincide with the autumn and winter months preceding the oviposition of the couple. In these months is usual that both adults visit the feeder for several hours a day.

Dimensions: 2.10 m wide x 2.40 m long x 2.50 m high.
Construction: Wood covered with broom. Spy glass lookout 1.80 x 0.60 m. facing north and a 1.70 x 0.60-oriented setting, for use in summer morning session.
Purse: Small place added to the hide as a chemical toilet.
Access: You can go by car to the door of the hide.
Mobile telephone access: Yes.
Seats: 3.
Stay: All day, from sunrise to sunset in winter and in summer part-time (1/2 day).
Distance to the feeder: 19-25 meters.
Species to be photographed: Besides the eagles, the feeder receives the occasional visit of imperial eagles, black vultures, vultures, Griffons, kites, black kites, ravens and crows.

Price: Consult.


Spanish Imperial Eagle´s hide

Located in the village of El Barraco, in the mountains of La Paramera, this hide is made of wood and it has big dimensions, allowing it to be used by 4 people at the same time. The hide operates all year. It is north-facing and it can be rotated in summer to adapt it to morning or evening light. In late summer the adult couple of Spanish Imperial Eagle usually go there with its chickens of one year.

Dimensions: 2.50 m wide x 2.50 m long x 2 m high.
Construction: Wood covered with broom. The hide have 4 spy glass lookout 1.20 x 0.60 m.
Facing: North
Seats: 2.
Access: By car to the door.
Mobile telephone access: Yes.
Stay: All day in winter. Half day in summer (morning or afternoon).
Feeders Distance: 25-40 m aprox.
Species to be photographed: Moreover the Spanish Imperial Eagles can be photographed Golden Eagles, griffon and black vultures, royal and black kites, ravens and crows.

Price: Consult.


Black Vulture´s hide

The hide is near the village of El Barraco and it is built of stone and has measures 2.50 x 2.10 x 2.20 meters, which makes it very comfortable to stay for 2 persons throughout the day. The hide, close to a colony of black vultures, is in operation throughout the year. The trough is frequently visited by the imperial eagle, by the golden eagle, black kites and different species of corvids.

Dimensions: 2.50 m wide x 2.10 m long x 2.20 m high.
Construction: Stone, covered with broom. Mirador spy glass hight quality, with 4 crystals placed on the front wall and side walls.
Orientation: Facing west. Another window to the north.
Seats: 2.
Access: By car.
Mobile telephone access: Yes.
Stay: All day or half a day only.
Distance from trough: To be chosen by the photographer.
Species to be photographed: black vultures, grifon vultures, imperial eagle, red and black kites, ravens and crows.

Price: Consult.


Booted Eagle´s hide

Located in the village of El Barraco and opposite the nature reserve of Valle de Iruelas, this hide is made of wood and it has dimensions of 1.60 x 1.20 x 1.90 meters, allowing it to be used by two people at the same time. The hide is available from 15 May to 15 September. It is faced for morning light and the stays in it last until noon. In late summer the couple usually attend with its chickens of this year.

Dimensions: 1.60 m wide x 1.20 m long x 1.90 m high.
Construction: Wood covered with broom. Spy glass lookout 1.20 x 0.50 m.
Orientation: Westward.
Seats: 2.
Stay: Half day.
Feeder Distance: 12-15 meters.
Species to be photographed: Moreover the booted eagles and buzzards, real and black kites, magpies and various species of birds.

Price: Consult.
Operating period: from May 15 to September 15 to 20 (depending on the migratory path).


Barn Owl´s hide

The new Barn owl´s hide that Spainphotohides offers is about 15 km from the capital, Avila, in the valley called Valle Amblés. It is a hide for night photography, with sessions extending from sunset until late at night. It is only allowed to stay in the hide one photographer per session, because each session is carried out with a guide of the company (photographer, lighting expert who is responsible for placing the flashes and suggest to the customer the shooting parameters to obtain the best photo).

The hide is made of wood, raised up nearly 3 meters above the ground by a wood structure of great strength.

Price per session: Consult.


Lesser Kestrel´s hide

Located in El valle Amblés, a few kms from Ávila, this hide is a privileged observatory on a mixed colony of lesser kestrels (40 couples) and kestrels vulgar (4 couples), which they share with little owls (2 couples), jackdaws, black starlings, sparrows, black Redstarts, swallows, etc.. The hide is provided with 2 spy glasses, one for the morning light and one for the afternoon light.

Measures: 4 m wide x 4 m long x 3.20 m high.
Construction: Stone and brick. Spy glass lookout, with 2 crystals placed on the walls of the east and west, high enough to dominate the rooftops.
Orientation: A window to the east and other one to the west.
Seats: 2.
Stay: All day.
Distance to the feeder: Variable, from a few meters to 8 meters the farthest.
Species to be photographed: lesser and common kestrels, owls, jackdaws, black starlings, sparrows, hoopoe, Black Redstarts, swallows, etc.

Price: Consult.


Bird Feeder´s hide

New feeder for passerines in the core of photographic hides of El Barraco (Ávila).
Installed in a pine grove surrounded by a forest of oaks and next to a mountain stream.
There have been recorded over 20 species visitors so far.

The hide is made of wood and it has measures 125x125 base and a height of 2m.

Prices: Consult.


Drinking-pool´s hide 1

Located near the village of El Barraco, in the Alberche´s valley and near Valle de Iruelas, this hide is made ??of wood and it has dimensions of 1.30 x 1.30 x 2.00 meters, which makes it very comfortable to stay for 2 people all morning. Surrounded by groves and vineyards, this hide is available all year round, although the best moments match the hot summer months, from June to September, lengthening the season until late October or November when it is not a very rainy autumn. It is just in September one of the best times due to the great movement of migratory birds on passage.

Dimensions: 1.30 m wide x 1.30 m long x 2.00 m high.
Construction: Wood covered in heather. Spy glass lookout.
Orientation: Westward.
Seats: 2.
Stay: Half day, morning.
Shooting distance: 4.5 meters.
Species to be photographed: Great variety of passerines, with over 40 species photographed to date.

Price: Consult.


Drinking Pool´s hide 2

Located near the village of El Barraco, in the Alberche's valley and near the dam El Burguillo and Valle de Iruelas , this hide is built in brick and tile and has dimensions of 1.40 x 1.40 x 2 00 meters, which makes it very comfortable to stay for 2 people all afternoon. This hide is available all year round, although the best moments match the hot summer months, from June to September, lengthening the season until late October or November when it is not a very rainy autumn. It is just in September one of the best times due to the great movement of migratory birds on passage.

Dimensions: 1.40 m wide x 1.40 m long x 2.00 m high.
Construction: Brick, covered with tile. Spy glass lookout.
Orientation: Eastward.
Seats: 2.
Stay: Half day, afternoon.
Shooting distance: 4.5 meters.
Species to be photographed: Great variety of passerines, with over 35 species photographed to date.

Price: Consult.
See price including this hide in the voucher system.


Drinking-pool´s hide 3

Located near the village of El Barraco, in the valley of Alberche, next to the mountain of La Cebrera, a large and very old pine mountain and with a lot of forest birds. It uses an old mountain stream which does not dry throughout the year. Very interesting photographically in times of migratory passage.

Dimensions: 1.30 m wide x 1.30 m long x 1.70 m high.
Construction: Wood. Crystal spy.
Anti-foog sistem: Yes.
Orientation: Northbound.
Seats: 2.
Movil phone cobert: Yes.
Stay: Half day, morning or afternoon.
Shooting distance: 3 - 4.5 meters.
Species to be photographed: Sparrow-hawk, Red Squirrel and great variety of passerines, with over 30 species photographed to date.

Price: Consult.


Terms and conditions

Please, read carefully this text before booking with us.

  1. 1. A reservation is only confirmed once you have paid the deposit and it has been received and confirmed by Spain Photo Hides (e-mail).
  2. 2. Deposits paid are not refundable if the cancellation of the reservation is not advised at least with 10 days before the date agreed for the activity. All return costs are paid by the person who requests it.
  3. 3. If the activity (use of a hide, a workshop, etc.) is canceled by Spain Photo Hides, whatever the reason, all amounts received as deposit or reservation will be totally refunded.
  4. 4. Spain Photo Hides does everything possible to make good hides and scenes to photograph wild animals, but participants or photographers should be aware that its activity depends greatly on the time and weather conditions, which makes their attraction to the feeders out of our control. Therefore we can not guarantee the results (to make photographs of specific species) to 100%. However, we are always willing to inform photographers about the likelihood of seeing and photographing a particular specie in any particular moment. Also, we will always keep in our web reports of the results of previous sessions or previous workshops.
  5. 5. For workshops, organized activities or tours, Spain Photo Hides reserves the right to modify the program if the circumstances mentioned previously happen.
  6. 6. During the development of any photographic activities organized by Spain Photo Hides, participants must behave in a right way and follow the instructions of the organizers, and they must avoid disturbing animals or anyone they share the activity with. In case of using hides, is very important not to leave them before the guide gets there and authorizes the exit. You should be aware that an incorrect way of getting out the hide may result in temporary or permanent abandonment of the feeder by the animal that uses it, which will damage the work of other photographers who go later to the hide, and at the same time, serious economic damages to Spain Photo Hides, which could be legally reclaimed if bad faith in the action of the photographer is apreciated.
  7. 7. To keep an eye on the compliance of the previous rule, Spain Photo Hides reserves the right to install security cameras around the hides. Photographers are advised of that when they book these hides and they expressly accept it even if it could be assumed as a slight interference in their right to privacy or self image.
  8. 8. The amounts agreed for the use of a particular hide must be paid by the photographer who uses the hide before the realization of the activity, either by transfer or in cash before the entrance to the hide concerned. The amounts paid if you did previously a reservation will be discounted of the price.
  9. 9. Spain Photo Hides only offers its hides when we are sure that the animals are usually coming to their perches and feeders. In case of the animals do not appear in the place of the hide contracted, for the obvious reason that they are wild animals with unpredictable behavior, the amount agreed will not be charged (would be returned if it had been paid), charging only the amount of 60 euros in overhead costs for the service.
  10. 10. Spain Photo Hides (or the company Anades Nature and Sustainable Development S.L.) is not responsible for any loss or damage to personal or photographic equipment of the contractors, nor personal accident or injury. For rent hides or take part in any of the workshops or tours of Spain Photo Hides you must be covered by adequate insurance for the duration of the visit and the contracted activities. The insurance should cover cancellation, medical and emergency expenses (including repatriation), personal injuries resulting from accidents and even death. Additionally, you must be insured against loss and damage to baggage, your personal objects and even from potential delays or cancellations of flights.

Rules to stay in the hide

  1. 1. DO NOT leave the hide in any way without previous advice to the guide. You can do it talking on the walkie-talkie or cell phone (number: 34 + 699 919 284). The success or failure of the photographers who come after you will depend on your behavior.
  2. 2. KEEP SILENCE and do not make sudden movements especially when birds are forwards.
  3. 3. DO NOT approach to the glass to look outside, and if the hood of your lens is very clear (eg Canon) avoid sudden movements of your camera or zoom lens.
  4. 4. DO NOT smoke inside the hide. It is absolutely forbidden, for your safety and to avoid being seen by birds.
  5. 5. DO NOT use your cell phone as a lantern when you are in the hide in times of low light (dawn, dusk), cause birds could see you. If you need to use it, turn down the black curtains that cover the glass.
  6. 6. Put your mobile phone on silent or vibrate mode. Avoid talking on it if not essential. In case you need to talk on the mobile phone, please do it quietly and when you do not have birds nearby.
  7. 7. DO NOT leave any food scraps or drinks inside the hide. Take them in a bag or give them to the guide.
  8. 8. When approaching the moment of departure, be prepared before the arrival of the guide in order to go out quickly and discretely, even at night or with low light outside.

The prices shown on this web-site don´t include the taxes in force.

Contact Form Spain Photo Hides

For more info and booking hides, contact: